William Berruyer

Design Fiction

A magazine created in the context of a Design Fiction for a Design and Information Society course at Stockholm University. The course introduces how computing is affecting contemporary society (and vice versa) and how the development and use of digital technologies intersect with social, economic, and ethical issues in societies. The goal of the course was to be able to summarize and critically discuss different roles computing plays in society and to envision future implications of emerging technologies with the help of speculative design methods.

The design fiction purpose was to critically and creatively envisions a near-future (10 years from now). The design fiction must illustrates how two or more of the thematic areas covered in the course (accessibility & inclusion, ethics & values, political & economic aspects, sustainability & wellbeing) are influenced by or have implications for immersive technologies.

Stockholm University
Digital Design
Design Fiction
Design Fiction


The design fiction imagines a future in which there has been a significant shift in population from urban to rural areas due to the increasing ability to manage all aspects of life from home. Another reason people are moving to the countryside is climate change, the increased frequency of extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and urban flooding, making cities less attractive due to safety and infrastructure concerns. In this world, the centralization of data management, the widespread use of VR/AR technologies, and the integration of wearable health technologies have changed daily life. Due to people being more scattered, they spend much of their time in Virtual Reality, and healthcare is managed through advanced wearables and digital platforms. The government even has incentives to make rural areas more attractive for people to move to.

We utilized various tools to illustrate our idea in the WIRED Magazine format. For collecting, brainstorming, and formulating our ideas, we used Google Docs, which can be used by every team member simultaneously. For the design of WIRED Magazine, we used Canva because, again, each team member can make changes and continue working simultaneously. For more detailed designs, we used Adobe Photoshop and then added them to Canva. We generated most of our images using the OpenAI platform DALL-E because we needed certain features for some images we couldn't find in any other image. Additionally, to DALL-E, we utilized Adobe Firefly to create new images and modify stock images by adding details that fit our narrative.


Our design Fiction focuses on the impact of VR/AR technologies and wearable health technology in a future where remote living is prevalent. It engages with VR/AR technologies by portraying them as an integral part of daily life, with people using headsets for various activities such as work, socializing, entertainment, and doctor's appointments. VitalSense, a wearable health technology, is presented in the design fiction to improve health management. The scenario illustrates how technology can address the challenges of an increasingly remote and sedentary society.

The main focus lies on ethics & values and sustainability & wellbeing.

Ethics & Values: The design fiction emphasizes ethical principles related to data privacy, transparency, hacking, surveillance, corporate influence on health, and informed consent. The design fiction reflects a world where these ethical considerations are integrated into technology and governance, aligning with the ethics and values theme. The interview with the CEO discusses the collaboration between VitalSense and Bayer AG. The influence of corporate interests on personal health is brought into question. The article highlights privacy concerns about police catching hackers who accessed VitalSense records and how personal data can be sold and exploited. The news section about the Immigration Department requiring VitalSense for visa applicants exemplifies the intersection of ethics, technology, and government regulations. Mandatory technology adoption for administrative purposes raises ethical questions about individual privacy and freedom in a digitally connected world, informed consent, and the trade-off between convenience and privacy.

The advertisement of the Pro version of VitalSense implies potential disparities in access to advanced healthcare monitoring. The ethics of providing equitable access to healthcare technologies are hinted at. Our design fiction also explores the theme of sustainability and well-being. Our design fiction's vision of the future depicts a world where people have migrated from crowded urban environments to quieter rural areas out of concern for climate change and pollution. This migration reflects society's emphasis on environmental sustainability and well-being. By reducing the stressors associated with city living and adopting a more sustainable lifestyle, people seek to improve their overall well-being and reduce their environmental footprint. Furthermore, the integration of wearable health technologies such as VitalSense aims to improve the population's well-being by promoting a healthier, more active lifestyle despite the sedentary use of VR/AR technology. With VR/AR, various options and apps exist to exercise, meditate, and relax. This aspect highlights the interconnectedness of technology, personal health, and environmental sustainability and illustrates that immersive technologies can promote holistic wellness and sustainability.

The "Connected & Disconnected" article focuses on sustainability. It mentions off-grid homes, emphasizing their role in generating their own energy, using renewable resources, and minimizing waste. It promotes environmentally conscious living and sustainability, with the government offering incentives for off-grid homes. The same article showcases the well-being benefits of VR/AR technologies in remote work and healthcare. Features like virtual offices, drone deliveries, and VR doctor visits emphasize how technology can contribute to healthier and more efficient lifestyles. Also, reduced reliance on artificial lighting and air conditioning contributes to environmental sustainability and human well-being.

The "New Dimension of Well-being" article introduces ZenLife's VR app as an established app in the future world. It emphasizes mindfulness, meditation, and addiction recovery. This highlights the potential of technology to enhance mental and emotional well-being. The VitalSense News page discusses the requirement for children under five to wear VitalSense, highlighting the benefits for child development and learning and ethical and well-being considerations. Vital Sense Review touches on the well-being aspect. The fall detection feature can significantly contribute to the well-being of users, especially the elderly, by ensuring their safety. The second customer review mentions how using VitalSense helped improve sleep quality. Better sleep is a key component of well-being, and the article highlights how technology can contribute to this aspect of life.

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